HOWTO setup Postfix to do Domainbased AV/SPAM Scanning. by Timo Proescholdt ( The Programms used in my environment are postfix, amavisd-new (with spam-assassin and sophos/sofie antivirus). PREFACE. While setting up our new Email System, we ( RBG at the department of computer sience universtiy of munich (puh..)) where looking for a possibility to implement a domainbased AV & SPAM tagging system due to load balancing reasons. While accepting mails for all our domains on our primary mail hub, the SPAM and AV tagging (amvisd-new), should be done locally only for a small subset of these domains. First ist seamed only to be possible by a) setting up a second (tagging) postfix instance (working with an explicit transportmap entry, pointing to the second instance. b) using the @bypass_virus_checks_acl entry in amavisd.conf (to skip tagging for domains to be scanned on annother server) both approaches have disadvantages, the first mainly because of the administrative overhead to attend to a set of second configuation files, the second has massive performance and availability detriments. At the end we discovered a way to achieve our goal using the smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access configuration switch. This short HOWTO describes howto setup postfix in a way that it acceppts mails for a set of local/non-local domains und involves amavisd-new for a subset of these, while delivering the others as usual (untagged). 1.) Install Postfix as usual. Install Amavisd-new 2.) Setup Postfix to accept mail for your domains. relay_domains = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_domains let amavisd listen to port 10024 (amavisd.conf) $inet_socket_port = 10024; let amavisd forward processed mail to local port 10025 $forward_method = 'smtp:'; Create an additional postifx listener on port 10025 ( The smtpd_recipient_restrictions parameter is the most important parameter here. inet n - n - - smtpd -o content_filter= -o local_recipient_maps= -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject #IMPORTANT -o smtpd_sender_restrictions= -o mynetworks= -o canonical_maps= Create an additional postfix transport to deliver mail to amavisd-new. May be done with lmtp or smtp. Check out the latest versions of postfix and amavisd-new to be shure that lmtp works without trouble. lmtp-amavis unix - - - - 4 lmtp -o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200 -o disable_dns_lookups=yes Configure Postfix to look into the /etc/postfix/tagged_domains table. ( Set smtpd_recipient_restrictions to at least smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/tagged_domains,\ permit_mynetworks,\ #[your stuff] \ reject_unauth_destination our setup looks like this smtpd_recipient_restrictions = \ check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/tagged_domains, \ permit_sasl_authenticated,\ permit_mynetworks,\ reject_non_fqdn_recipient,\ reject_unauth_destination Setup /etc/postfix/tagged_domains to contain an an entry like FILTER lmtp-amavis:[]:10024 for each domain that should be processed by amavisd. Note that you DO NOT need to set up the content-filter configuration switch. make the changes visible to postfix with an postmap tagged_domains postfix reload 3.) Testing Send email via telnet to several domains. You should see the following line appear in your maillog when a mail to at least one recipient with a domain part mathing tagged_domains arrives. Recipient address triggers FILTER lmtp-amavis:[]:10024 to be continued... comments welcome (to